Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Just Another Update

MacNeilly, my Paladin is just a couple of bars short of level 77 now and I have finally moved him away from the oppressive squalor of Zul’Drak over to the beautiful greenery and wide open spaces of Sholazar Basin. This also gives him the added bonus of mining Saronite and Titanium when he comes across them in the course of regular questing.

On the gold front, I’m continuing to buy up cheap Saronite and eternals when I can get them. I am also crafting the usual belt buckles, gems of the rare, epic, prismatic and meta varieties, and even the odd enchanting rod. I am now sitting at a smidgen over 115,000 gold in liquid assets, with a decent amount of banked stock to fall back on.

I have even gotten around to purchasing a guild and a couple of bank tabs for my banker (at a very reasonable price). I am making a conscientious effort to keep these tabs rubbish free and only to be used to keep excess stock for selling and pre-patch/expansion stockpiling.


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Proto-Drakes Are Like Buses…

You wait a whole year for one and two come along on the same day!

I logged on on Sunday with the sole intention of finishing the last of the Children’s Week achievements that I didn’t get around to last year when I notice that my Mysterious Egg has hatched again, I open it expecting the usual Tickbird Hatchling or Adder pet thing and lo and behold, the ‘Reins of the Green Proto-Drake’ drops. Nice.

I then crack on with the remaining Children’s Week quests, on my new Green Proto-Drake; I firstly complete five daily quests with my orphan out (yeah yeah, I know). I then get a group together and clear Utgarde Pinnacle, about three-quarters the way through the King Ymiron fight, I thankfully remember to whistle for my orphan and he witnesses the demise of the King.

So on to the dreaded battlefields for ‘School of Hard Knocks’. Now I’m not a big fan of PvP, I have no resilience gear and I’m not really that fond of battlefields, so this was the one achievement that I was not looking forward to. Contrary to my worst fears however, it wasn’t all that bad; Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley were surprisingly civilised with the Alliance and Horde trading goes at returning flags and capping towers. Eye of the Storm and Arathi Basin on the other hand were the usual free-for-all mash-ups that they always are on my server, but I was lucky enough to grab a flag and attack a banner in the normal course of the games. So that was it, done and dusted, ‘What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been’ complete. I made my way back to Dalaran, opened my mail and pick up the long anticipated ‘Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake’ – WOOT!
