Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

I Haven’t Got a Clue

I’m not sure which way to go now. I’ve geared my rogue up quite a bit recently and apart from a couple of Frost Badge upgrades, the only way to gear him further is by raiding. The problem is, I haven’t raided for a very long time. Apart from clearing Naxx and the first couple of bosses in Ulduar I have no experience of raiding in Wrath, never even been to ToC 10 and obviously ICC was way outta my league.

My guild no longer raids very much, most of the raiders have moved to progression guilds and just left their alts. I’m not sure if I even have the time to commit to raiding, so my dilemma is what do I do? Should I just get the last couple of Frost Badge gear from doing the Daily Random (that will take a while) and continue with my gold making endeavours, should I bite the bullet, move to a raiding guild and give it a go or alternatively should I level my paladin to 80 (currently 71) and spend more time with MaxHorn and Single Abstract Noun.

I don’t have the time to do all of the above and to tell the truth, I haven’t got a clue which one to pick. (Scratches Head) Please help!



  1. Pvp may be another path you can explore. i find once you get into it its really fun :)

  2. A good call Liam, however that's only added another option to the conundrum - I'm even more confused than ever now!

  3. hehe i understand how you feel . i myself dont really have time for raiding but ive got myself to the level were i know i can pug voa anytime and even icc 10 first 4 boss's. I personally also like to level more alt's. gather pvp gear and learn all the class's i have. Also achivements are fun to do sometimes and have lead me to new gold making ideas too

  4. Yeh i would suggest just do pugs if you want to raid. Then pvp if you feel like it and possibly level alts. Unfortunatley your main is a rogue and confined to dps only. Maybe you could roll a druid then you can do everything. Caster dps Healer, Melee dps , and tank. Just a suggestion it will keep you from being stuck only dps.

  5. I'd consider levelling the paladin and that character's professions. Gives you a better spread of profs when you go back to gold making.

    While doing that you can also research more raid orientated guilds and see if you can find one that would suit you, if you want to try the raiding thing. Finding the right guild is more trying than any instance.

    Personally I'd also recommend faction changing the lot so you no longer have to associate with gnomes (other than at the pointy end of your weapons), but that is perhaps more about my mentality than yours.

    Good luck!

  6. My pally is already 450 Mining 450 Blacksmith, however I have been meaning to get him to 80 for some time, if for no other reason than to lower my aggro range whilst mining nodes in Icecrown. Though your advice is greatly appreciated, I don't think I'll be changing factions anytime soon. I am however thoroughly enjoying my time with the Horde whilst leveling my Druid.
