Away from the subject of accumulating wealth for a moment, I was kindly invited to run normal Nexus on my Level 71 Pally by a guild-mate of mine (Hey Adam) the other day. The run fell through however I was appalled to realise that I was actually quite relieved that it had. To explain; I (slowly) got MacNeilly to 70 through The Burning Crusade as a mainly Protection spec’d solo leveller. I had not read any class guides, forums or websites and was just really messing about. I never ran (m)any dungeons, and therefore did not inflict my obvious 'FailPlayerness' on other people. It wasn’t until I began playing McRaffles that I that I started researching my class and actually learned how to play a Rogue, what gear to get, what gems and enchants to go for and what rotations to use. Since WoTLK I had only ever used MacNeilly as a Miner and Blacksmith. I respecced him as a cookie-cutter Retadin for no other reason than to make it a little easier to get him to 80, if I ever got around to it. But mainly he just cruised around Icecrown and Sholazar Basin mining nodes, running and bubbling when jumped and basically doing a good job of taking care of business. Then came the call to arms; I could (and probably should) have just turned down the offer and carried on mining, however, I believe that if a guildie calls and you are free, then you should always lend a hand.

hehehe! - thats brilliant mate!
ReplyDeleteif it helps i leveled from 70-80 so intent on catching fli up that i forgot to go and buy any new skills from the trainer lol!
so i go into naxx and kaBOOM! NO DPS! - i think i was around 600 acording to drud... OH DEAR! lol :P
so you arnt completely useless mate :) - if it helps.... :P