As I said the other day, I needed to raise some capital and decided to flog some buff food on the AH. I was happy to see that all my Fish Feasts and Dragonfin Filets had sold at the first time of posting; I checked my mail to rake in the cash and see the following mail:
Though I may not actually subscribe to all the tenants of pure ‘goblinism’ I do enjoy reading Gevlon’s Greedy Goblin blog, in particular the ‘Morons of the Week’ section, where, if you’re not already aware, they name and shame M&S (Morons and Slackers) who, among other things, seem to think that for some reason, you have to play the AH according to their rules. So I sent off the screenshot to Gevlon with the following note:
Though I am not actually a Goblin, I do thoroughly enjoy reading your well written, insightful and sometimes contentious articles. I recently spent a chunk of cash on cold weather and epic flying for my DK alt and decided to replenish the coffers by selling a couple of hundred Fish Feasts and Dragonfin Filets that I had squirreled away for a rainy day. Would you believe it, I got this in the post and immediately thought of you. I must be doing something right.

Just a quick word about my guild, I didn’t really feel comfortable saying too much about them in this blog until I checked with the GM that it was okay. Well I checked and it’s fine. The ‘Knights of Columbus’ on Lightbringer (EU); more than ably led by the mighty Fli. I have now attached a link to the web site over on the right, under my ‘Favourite Sites’ list (cunningly hidden under the ‘Guild Web Site’ link). I know this is a shameless plug but hey, it’s my guild and I’ll plug it as much as I want to. Anyway, they are great and I love them all, well apart from Adam….don’t want him to get the wrong idea…I just like Adam, in a non-homoerotic manly way. A fun guild with some decent raid progression, works for me.
Don't understand a word of it, but it all sounds like jolly good fun.