I then spent the rest of the weekend levelling StoneKold’s jewelcrafting. I started on Friday at about 225 so I was now into the Thorium levels, oh joy! So I sent MacNeilly over to Silithus which wasn’t that far as he’d been mining Mithril in Tanaris up until then. So a few circuits of Silithus, especially down into the hives for the Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Veins, and I had bagged quite a decent haul of ore. I added that to a couple of banked stacks that I’d forgotten about and a quick bit of smelting and I posted 50 Thorium Bars and 80 ore to StoneKold.
He then crafted Thorium Settings until he hit 250 then prospected the remaining ore for the gems. With a bit more subsidising from the bank he was up to level 280 and in a bit of trouble. The easiest way to get to 290 (seemingly) is to craft 10 Onslaught Rings which require 1 x Essence of Earth, 1 x Powerful Mojo and 1 Thorium Setting each. At 25-30g each on the AH, I decided to farm the 10 Powerful Mojos. So over to McRaffles, port to Ironforge, hop a taxi to Eastern Plaguelands and ride up to Zul’Mashar in the north-east and start slaughtering the Mossflayer trolls over and over again. 10 Powerful Mojos and many stacks of Runecloth later I mail a grateful StoneKold. The Eternal Essences were a lot easier to get, they have quite a good drop rate from the Desert Rumblers in north-west Silithus which just so happened to be where MacNeilly was parked after his Thorium farming. That got StoneKold up to level 290 with enough Azerothian Diamonds and Huge Emeralds to jump straight to 300. All these rings and necklaces were disenchanted and the materials banked to be auctioned later. (Guys gotta make a living somehow)
Onwards to Outland and learn Master Jewelcrafting. MacNeilly was definitely happier mining Adamantite Ore in Nagrand as he could cover a lot more ground on his Epic Gryphon. He sent over a few stacks of Fel Iron Ore for prospecting and a lot of Golden Draenite, Azure Moonstone and Deep Peridot (thank goodness for all those Consortium Gem Bags). After a bunch of Gem cuts I finally left him last night at level 340 with enough materials to make the jump to 350 without too much difficulty. I hope!
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