Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Making Gold

After nearly putting myself in the poorhouse paying for StoneKold’s epic flying, I decided I had to replenish the coffers a bit. McRaffles happened to have a couple of hundred Dragonfin Angelfish left over from the grind to get the Sea Turtle Mount. As I also pretty much always complete the cooking daily, I have a fair stock of Northern Spices and a stack of tokens to trade for more if required. So on with my trusty Chef’s Hat and I quickly (at least a damn site quicker than if I wasn’t wearing the hat) rustle up 227 Dragonfin Filet. I then sent 27 to StoneKold to keep him going, the 40 strength and 40 stamina are ideal for a growing DK. The remaining 200 are sent to my AH mule along with 25 Heavy Borean Armor Kits and 150 Fish Feasts that I’d been saving for a rainy day. Hopefully that should see the pennies roll in over the next couple of days.

StoneKold has just completed the Grizzly Hills quest achievement and is now over halfway through level 76. Next step Zul’Drak; not really one of my favourite zones, though I’m sure it will be fine. I was thinking about skipping straight to Sholazar Basin, which is my favourite zone, then I thought about all that experience and not forgetting the DE’ed quest rewards that I’d be missing out on and decided to bite the bullet, Zul’Drak tonight.

As much as I enjoy leveling, I do miss the thrill of raiding. I have never really had the time to be anything more than a part-time raider. My guild, which I’ve been with since I started playing the game, is currently halfway through Ulduar, regularly runs VoA and OS and is 1/5 in TotC (10). I personally helped them clear Naxx, but have only done the first couple of bosses in Ulduar. I still get asked to make up the numbers when they are short, but recently I have been spending most of my time on StoneKold. I can’t remember the last time I joined a raid, or even ran a 5 man Heroic for that matter. This is the curse of the casual gamer, so little time, so much to explore. You just have to get your priorities straight.


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