Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Blog Wars

The current question on every warcraft blog reader’s lips is, Gevlon or Marko? In case for some reason you didn’t catch it, in a nutshell, Marko (Just My 2 Copper) asked Gevlon (Greedy Goblin) to write a review about ‘Gold Guide Sellers’, totally slating them. Then at the end of the article say that Marko’s guide was one of the best. Gevlon of course refused, Marko then asked him again Gevlon then posted the whole thing on his blog, naming names and totally nailing Marko.

This resulted in much fuss and furore in the blogosphere with certain (usually anonymous) people getting their panties in a bunch and swearing never to set foot on one or other site again. Well if that’s the kind of thing that upset’s you, then fine, though I hope that you don’t forget to keep up with your letters to ‘Points of View’ and ‘The Daily Mail’.

I may as well add my tuppence worth, for what it matters; I’ll definitely still be reading both blogs. I think they both have many good points and a couple of bad: Gevlon is a self professed Greedy Goblin, he can sometimes come across (to me) as a pseudo-intellectual economist and philosopher. There are some excellent lessons in generating in-game income (most of which I will only scratch the surface of). He makes no apologies for his frequent tirades against ‘Morons and Slackers’. He is also quick to point out the many flaws in being a ‘social’ and how this can seriously hurt your pursuit of gold. I love it.

Marko’s blog, on the other hand is full of gold making tips and tactics which don’t necessarily require the time, effort and total narcissistic exploitation of all lesser mortals that Gevlon condones. One of the main differences are Marko is upfront about using his blog to generate real income. Advertising banners and links and pointers to his own gold making guide are very prominent. Though I wouldn’t personally ever dream of purchasing one, I don’t have a problem with a guy trying to make a buck. If anyone is stupid, naïve or just plain desperate enough to want to, then caveat emptor.

BTW, Happy First Anniversary Marko.

A storm in a tea-cup you may say . It did get me thinking though. When I created this blog I didn’t see any problems with having adverts on it. Then I noticed that most of the adverts were for gold making guides, grinding guides etc. Well what credibility would I have left if I professed a disdain for such material and openly let them be peddled on my little blog. You may or may not have noticed their absence…..



  1. My thoughts exactly, a big fuss about nothing. I read a good piece about the differences between them. "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day" (Marko's Blog). "Teach him how to fish and he'll eat forever" (Gevlon's Blog). I thought that was quite apt. Glad to see the ads are gone, nice one, I hate them too.

  2. Thanks mate, though I prefer "Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life...."
