Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Nearly a Love Fool

I cracked on a fair bit with my ‘Love is in the Air’ achievement last night; I finished the ‘Lonely?’ and ‘Sweet Tooth’ together then ‘Nation of Adoration’ (I still have a problem finding my way around The Exodar). I then completed the Goblin Quest-line ‘Dangerous Love’ I think it's called. I was a bit gutted that I wasted a ‘Love Fool’ outside Naxx by the Summoning Stone, but it turned out okay as I was invited to join a group by a guy who saw my failed attempt (I guess he Pitied the Fool twice that day :P ). I then hoofed it down to the Battle Ring of Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale and crossed that one off too. That means that I only have Wintergrasp, CoS and Arathi Basin left for that achievement, no worries.

Apart from finishing of the last three ‘Pitied the Fool’ locations, I only had ‘My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose’ to go, so I decided to try and get a group together for Utgarde Keep – normal, the easiest of the three dungeons that have bosses that drop the Roses. I thought that 4 or 5 level 80’s would breeze through to the first boss in no time at all – the problem was that I couldn’t get anyone interested. All my guildies were otherwise engaged, so I decided to hit up Dungeon Finder to join a group; between 20–25 minutes later I eventually get into a group of a couple of 71’s a 72 and a 76. I let them know that I was not interested in rolling on anything other than the Roses from the first boss and we buffed up and headed out. Out druid tank was fine, though a little rusty as he confessed he hadn’t bear-tanked for quite a while and everyone seemed to be pulling their weight fine. I had a few aggro stealing problems (obviously) however with judicious use of ‘Tricks of the Trade’ on the tank, all seemed to be going well (if a little slowly).

We cleared the trash and got to Prince Keleseth – I TotT the tank and open up with everything – the Prince is no more. I pass on the blue whatever he drops and need on the Roses – nice, wait up – someone else needed too – WHAT? I wait with baited breath and of course the gods of RNG shit on me – I roll a 16 and he gets an 84, I can’t believe it. He comes out with some rubbish about needing by accident – yeah right!! Then he offers to sell me the Roses – ah, so that’s your game eh!! Okay, how much? 20g, he says. No worries, I would have paid at least 100g; so the trade screen opens, and I even put in 50g, and guess what – No Roses – And the ‘This Item can’t be traded across realms’ bullshit flashes across the screen – Bollocks!

I must admit I was fully intending to stay with the party through the whole dungeon, but after that, my heart wasn’t in it – I apologised and quit. I don’t normally act like a petulant child; however I was so annoyed that it would have ended in tears if I’d stayed – Sorry guys.

Ah well, still a couple of days left, I’ll hopefully pick them up tonight. I’ve got a couple of days off now (Friday & Monday) so I’ll see you on Tuesday with my ‘Love Fool’ achievement (fingers crossed). Have a great weekend.


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