Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Thursday, 11 March 2010


I was doing Jewel of the Sewers, as my Fishing Daily last night, and the Giant Sewer Rat finally dropped for me. I had never actually fished solely for him and had actually resigned myself that the RNG gods would probably keep him from my side.

I also got two achievements for the price of one, I Smell a Giant Rat and Plethora of Pets. Even better, when I turned in my daily, I got the Bone Fishing Pole as well (So much cooler than my Jeweled one).

Not a bad haul from a 5 minute daily, I’m sure you’ll agree.


1 comment:

  1. He's a pretty big rat too. I actually got really lucky with mine. I fished for hours and hours and hours to get my turtle mount, so when I finally got it, I was like "now time to waste a couple days for the rat". Three casts later I got my rat. That may have been the only day ever that Lady RNG has smiled upon me.

    That bone fishing pole is sweet. I've never gotten that or the jeweled one. I have the Exalted Kal'uak pole so I don't really need em, but I'm a collector so they'd be neat to have. But dailies hate me for that sort of stuff. I've done the brunnhildr daily like 200 times and have never gotten the polar bear mount. :( (And don't get me started on boss drop mount.)
