Some random ramblings of a casual Warcraft player on the Lightbringer (EU) Realm.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Rogue Gear Upgrades

This week I have mainly been running random dungeons! I decided that as my gear is still lacking on McRaffles, and as I don’t have the time to raid anymore, I am going to try and acquire as many upgrades from badges; BoE’s or crafted epics as possible. This is probably going to put a major dent in my funds, but what’s the use in having it if you’re not going to use it? I did some research and decided that my first priority would be to upgrade my head and chest, as they were only ilevel 200 (Helm of Vast Legions and Heroes' Bonescythe Breastplate). So I have been running the daily random for over a week now and will keep doing so until I get enough badges for the upgrades. I have only had a couple of bad pug runs (mainly childishness and inexperienced tanks pulling way too much) but for the most part it has been a very positive experience.

Last night I landed in Heroic Trial of the Champion after the Champions and before Paletress. It was a quick run with no real problems and after downing the Black Knight I was very happy to see Mask of Distant Memory drop, with no other leather wearers in the party and it being an upgrade for me, my need call was uncontested and I was the proud owner of a shiny new helm. The fact that it makes me look like Hannibal Lecter is by the by. I jumped over to StoneKold and created a Relentless Earthseige Diamond and a Bright Cardinal Ruby and posted them to McRaffles. After socketing I headed up to the Ebon Hold to shell out 120g on the Arcanum of Torment enchant.

I have decided to just buy the materials and get someone to craft me the Knightbane Carapace as my new chest piece, so that will mean that I can spend 50 of my 65 accumulated Emblems of Triumph on a Mark of Supremacy to replace my old Mirror of Truth.

I’m also seriously thinking of blowing an almighty stack of cash on both the Runed Band of the Kirin Tor and a Battered Hilt (if I can pick one up for a reasonable price) , that should keep me going for a bit.

As I have not really been playing the auction house my 100k has not really moved that much, expect a big chunk to be taken out of that by my next update.


1 comment:

  1. good luck getting a cheap batter hilt :)

    its always nice to keep your gear updated. i been having the same problems as i dont have time to raid anymore aswell

    xoxo anaalius
