I then decided to baptise the new gear in blood, so I queued up for the daily random and lo and behold I was dropped into The Forge of Souls for the first time ever. I don’t think that my gear-score allowed be to be considered prior to my upgrades. Well we nailed it, I wasn’t even sure of the boss strategies, but I certainly know enough not to stand in the fire and that seemed to be enough as we cleared it in no time at all.
I need to do a bit more research before deciding on what to go for next; however I am looking at the Bladeborn Leggings from crafting; Duskstalker Shoulderpads, Dexterous Brightstone Ring and the Crimson Star from Emblems of Triumph; Herkuml War Token, Cat Burglar’s Grips and Vengeful Noose from Emblems of Frost (If I can ever get that many) and the BoE’s; Wodin’s Lucky Necklace and the Drape of the Untamed Predator. After some, most or all of that, I will then go for the Battered Hilt and start that particular quest chain for my new sword.
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